Stephen Prina, Exquisite Corpse: The Complete Paintings of Manet, 157 of 556, Leçon de Musique (Zacharie Astruc) (The Music Lesson) 1870 Private Collection, Boston, 1991. Dittico: diluente per inchiostro su carta da fibra di cotone e litografia offset, pannello destro (incorniciato): 65,4 x 83,18 cm, pannello sinistro (incorniciato): 139,7 x 172, 72 cm.Collection Albright-Knox Art Galley, Buffalo, New York, The Panza Collection and by exchange: George B. and Jenny R. Mathews Fund, Bequest of Arthur B. Michael, Albert H. Tracy Fund and Bequest of John Mortimer Schiff, 2015. Photo Alessandro Zambianchi, Milano