AISTHESIS. All’origine delle sensazioni, FAI Villa e Collezione Panza Varese


FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano celebrates the genius of Robert Irwin and James Turrell - extraordinary Californian artists and leading exponents of environmental and perceptual art - by staging a major exhibition of their work at Villa Panza.
AISTHESIS is an exhibition to be felt, rather than viewed - it constitutes a unique perceptual experience, where the borderlines of space and light become confused and cancel each other out.
The exhibition encompasses a total of 19 works: including projections, installations and sensory environments, admirably integrated into the spaces of the villa.

The exhibition is organized with Los Angeles County Museum of Arts (LACMA) and with the contribution of Getty Research Istitute di Los Angeles, Panza Collection, Mendrisio, Guggenheim Museum and Pace Gallery, New York.